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All Inclusive Digital Consulting 

In the ever changing world in which we live in it is important to have a team you can count on to study new technologies and present you with new opportunities. DiSilvio & Associates is passionate about what we do and spend copious amounts of time scouring the world for new methods to serve our clients. We have been on the cutting edge of location based social networking, video micro-blogging, and app development and have no intention of getting left behind. Evolution, personal and professional, is essential for survival and we here at DiSilvio & Associates are committed to helping you, not only survive, but thrive.

App Development

Do you have an idea for the next breakout mobile application but no idea how to move forward? Let the experts at DiSilvio & Associates Consulting turn your dream into a reality! From meeting with developers to acting as project managers, DiSilvio & Associates has the connections and the expertise to bring your vision to life.

Event Planning

From birthdays to political fundraisers, no one plans an event like DiSilvio & Associates Consulting. Sit back and relax as DiSilvio & Associates ensure that your event is a success! Whether its wine tours on the North Fork, corporate Gala’s in Garden City, or fundraisers at the local restaurant, DiSilvio & Associates will bring their expertise to bear for you.

Guerilla Marketing

Guerilla marketing, much like guerilla warfare, revolves around the idea of irregular activities to achieve an objective. We pride ourselves on our out of the box thinking and innovative solutions to achieve your goals. From online closed group infiltration to data mining, there are almost no limits to what we can or will do to serve our clients.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is the future of digital advertising. Advertisements on smartphone and tablet applications (“apps”), collectively known as mobile marketing, are a great asset to any entity. A recent Nielsen survey found that U.S. smartphone users age 18 and over spend 65% more time each month using apps than they did several years ago. In 2013, they spent 30 hours, 15 minutes using apps, a full half-day more than 18 hours, 18 minutes in 2011. Through us a business can get their message to any demographic they wish through mobile marketing on apps.


Online Advertising

Through us a business can reach hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of potential customers through targeted online advertising. Targeted online advertisements allows a business to be much more specific with targeting than any print or televised form could ever be. Online advertisements, i.e. banner ads and column ads on websites, can be targeted at specific demographics for set periods of time allowing a business greater control of their message. We have a proven network of advertising providers who can ensure that a person reaches the audience they desire through the manner they wish.

Online Content Management

The manner in which you get your message out is just as important as the message itself. Our time tested distribution strategies will make sure you reach your audience and they truly understand the message you are trying to convey. Further, we will make sure all of your content is distributed in a way that increased the likelihood it will be seen by the greatest audience possible. Finally, our method of coordinating and tracking your content provides measureable results for improved strategies moving forward.

Opposition Research

As Sun Tzu explained in the “Art of War” knowing your opposition is just as important as knowing yourself. Monitoring your oppositions growth and activity and responding is just as important as knowing your own message. Our expert team knows exactly how to determine an opposing forces strengths and turn them into weaknesses. By painstakingly cataloguing identified parties we can determines metrics of success and develop strategies to meet said goals.

Project Management

DiSilvio & Associates Consulting is beyond reproach when it comes to initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and streamlining the work of a team to achieve goals and meet specific criteria. No task is too big or too small for our expert team of project managers to help you and your team complete!

Social Media Coordination

No team is better prepared to help a business or individual take full advantage of social media than us. A business can reach, energize, and contact thousands upon thousands of supporters in minutes through social media. No business can afford to ignore social media or treat it as a tertiary consideration. Over 70% of US online adults use some form of social media. 71% of online adults use Facebook. 63% of Facebook users visit daily and 40% visit multiple times per day. We have a proven track record of increase individuals social media presence and managing that presence on a day-to-day basis. Our unmatched experience and time-tested methods can help any entity cultivate and fully utilize any social media platform including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, and SnapChat.

Website Development and Implementation

We have the knowledge and skill to help launch a website for a business or individual.  Businesses need a strong web presence to grow and succeed in the modern economy. In a recent survey 46% of people said that a website’s design is their number one criterion for determining the credibility of an entity. Further, through a website an individual can share press releases, solicit business, collect the contact information, and set up a distribution network. We have successfully worked on almost a dozen websites steering them from inception through development to launch and can bring that knowledge to bear for our clients.

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